新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谷歌临时工待遇提升:最低时薪百元+医保+12周产假


Google Temporary Employee Increase: Minimum Hourly Salary 100 Yuan + Medicare + 12 Weeks Maternity Leave

2019-04-03 07:29:30来源: IT之家

4月3日消息,据The Verge报道,谷歌今天表示,该公司已经要求人力资源供应商为其美国的长期非正式雇员提供全面的医疗保险、15美元(约合100.8元人民币)最低时薪和12周产假福利。此前,谷歌员工曾发起抗议,要求公司为这类员工提供更多福利。谷歌依赖于大量的临时员工、供应商和合同工,其中许多人是由第三方帮助雇佣的,他们无法获得与谷歌正式员工相同的福利。这种不平等导致许多谷歌员工发出要求改善员工条件的呼声。今天,900多名谷歌员工在支持临时工权益的公开信上签名,这些临时工的Google Assistant工作合同被缩短。谷歌在一份声明中宣布了这些改变,称将要求为其提供临时工、合同工的公司提供医...

According to The Verge, Google said today that it has asked human resource providers to provide comprehensive health insurance, a minimum hourly salary of $15 (about 100.8 yuan) and 12-week maternity leave benefits for its long-term informal employees in the United States. Earlier, Google employees had protested that the company should provide more benefits for such employees. Google relies on a large number of temporary employees, suppliers and contractors, many of whom are hired with the help of third parties, who are unable to get the same benefits as their regular employees. This inequality has led to calls from many Google employees for better conditions. Today, more than 900 Google employees signed open letters in support of temporary workers'rights and interests, and their Google Assistant work contracts were shortened. In a statement, Google announced the changes, saying it would require companies offering temporary and contractual workers to provide medical services.

标签: 谷歌