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Apple No. 2 officially resigned today. Really peaceful breakup?

2019-04-16 07:43:02来源: IT之家

正如今年2月苹果提交给监管机构的一份文件所指出的细节,苹果零售业务高级副总裁安吉拉·阿伦茨(Angela Ahrendts)将于今日离职,美国当地时间4月15日是她在苹果的最后一天。2月初,苹果宣布安吉拉·阿伦茨任职五年后圆满卸任,将不再担任苹果零售业务高级副总裁,计划于今年4月离职,未来由迪尔德雷·奥布莱恩(Deirdre O' brien)接任。德雷·奥布莱恩曾是苹果的人力高级副总裁,但她现在的头衔是零售业务和人力高级副总裁,因为她在接管Apple Store零售店和在线商店业务的同时,还需维持她目前的职责。上周末,苹果已经将安吉拉·阿伦茨的个人资料从苹果领导层简介页面上删除,为她...

Angela Ahrendts, Apple's senior vice president of retail business, will leave today, as detailed in a document submitted to regulators in February. Her last day at Apple is April 15, local time in the United States. In early February, Apple announced that Angela Arenz would retire after five years as senior vice president of Apple's retail business. It planned to leave in April and be replaced by Deirdre O&39; Brien in the future. Dray O'Brien was Apple's senior vice president of human resources, but her current title is Senior Vice President of Retail Business and Human Resources, because she needs to maintain her current responsibilities while taking over Apple Store retail and online stores. Last weekend, Apple had deleted Angela Arenz's profile from the Apple Leadership Profile page for her ____________

标签: 苹果