新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全网首家小说分销新玩法——网易云阅读全面开放100%分成新模式!


Cut in the first distribution new gameplay, netease cloud reading fully open 100% into new model!

2017-11-30 12:31:58来源: DoNews


Recently, the two news cause the attention of the public Internet, circle. A is established on the first day of text reading group in Hong Kong stock market value that hk $90 billion; Another is one of the largest domestic digital reading platform netease reading an upgrade to its content distribution business of cloud, and on the distribution ratio of bold innovation, reach close to 100%. Two news seemingly have nothing to do, but indicate the same in the future: the Internet reading is a market worth waiting for. Number for the public realized by novel distribution channel will be the best choice for the future. Novel distributed cash, long-term income big market for a long time, the public, the content of the liquid depends on advertising and users of the reward. Advertising will inevitably damage the fans reading experience, injury and the fundamental channel; And rely on users to watch are just eat the day, even in a content copied dispute; The novel content distribution, can successfully solve the problem. At present, every day more than hundreds of millions of with...

标签: 网易