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《三体》动画上映 科幻的梦想里有真正的未来

"Three body" animation In the dream of science fiction has a real future

2019-03-01 00:00:00来源: 人民网

科幻题材的电影一直以来都深受观众喜爱,平板电脑、3D打印、人工智能等这些曾经出现在科幻世界中的黑科技都变成了现实。2019年,一部《流浪地球》横空出世,开启了中国科幻电影新元年。 《流浪地球》 人类总是对未来充满了好奇,而科幻梦正是基于当代最新科技发展和科学发现,用幻想的方式描述将来可能会发生的奇迹。在人们各式各样的科幻梦里,也许就有未来真实的模样。刘慈欣所展现的一个又一个科幻世界,实现了中国广大科幻迷的梦想。 玩家自制,科技新番《我的三体》 刘慈欣的小说《三体》备受关注,作为亚洲首部夺得雨果奖的科幻小说,它无疑是伟大的,其中展现的末日景象既充满苍凉绝望之感又带着奇特的绮丽恢弘之...

Sci-fi films has long been loved by the audience, tablet, 3 d printing, artificial intelligence and so on these once appeared in the black science and technology of science fiction world into reality. In 2019, a "stray earth" was born, opened a Chinese science fiction movie s years. The stray earth humans are always full of curiosity about the future, and sci-fi dream is based on contemporary scientific discovery and development of science and technology, the latest in fantasy way described miracles may happen in the future. People in all kinds of science fiction the dream, maybe we will have future real appearance. Liu shows one science fiction world, realize the dream of the Chinese science fiction fans. Players homemade, science and technology, the new "three of my body" liu's novel, much attention has been paid to the three body as Asia's first win the Hugo award for science fiction, it is great, which show the end of the scene is full of the feeling of desolation and despair and with strange beautiful grand of...