新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL上单毒王安静苦笑入驻虎牙直播 见面万元红包抽不停

LOL上单毒王安静苦笑入驻虎牙直播 见面万元红包抽不停

LOL on single poison an-jing wang wry smile in canine teeth meet live ten thousand yuan red envelope extraction

2017-11-03 00:00:00来源: 人民网

英雄联盟最近转会风波不断,终于在11月2日,上单毒王安静苦笑开启了他的虎牙首秀。听闻苦笑转会,网友们早早就聚集直播间,为其助阵。非常大方的大官人为回馈粉丝首播就送给观众们一份见面礼,万元红包抽不停,实在是豪气。 提起安静苦笑的名字大家一定都不陌生,霸气花臂主播。《苦笑学堂》《下路有我》《团战大解析》系列视频解说。作为英雄联盟最老的一批解说,苦笑对这个游戏的理解出神入化,其视频解说也让无数玩家受益匪浅。 苦笑给人留下印象最深的还属曾经安静苦笑排位一直54连胜,虽然连胜被终结,但在当时引起不小轰动,堪称奇迹。当时因为连胜中断,苦笑难过的湿了眼,表示辜负了观众的期望。也正是因为那一次连...

Hero union recently transfer saga continuously, finally on 2 November, on single poison an-jing wang wry smile opened his canine teeth debut. Heard a wry smile transfer, Internet users gathered studio and early for their backup. Very generous debuted the leading men of the artificial feedback fans gave the audience a welcome gift, ten thousand yuan red smoke, is really something. Filed a quiet smile name everyone not unfamiliar, a certain swagger anchor arm. "Wry smile school", "the way have I," "big melee parsing" series video interpretation. As a hero alliance, one of the oldest group of explanation, wry smile the understanding of the game and ration, the video also benefited countless players. Wry smile impression deepest is quiet a wry smile once the session has been 54 wins in a row, although the winning streak ended, but caused quite a stir at that time, a miracle. When streak interrupt, wry smile sad wet eye, said failed to live up to the expectations of the audience. It is because that even at a time...

标签: LOL 直播 虎牙