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充斥网络的那些「XX 黑客」,你不会真信了吧?

You can't really believe the "XX hacker" that is full of the Internet.

2016-03-04 19:28:23来源: TECH2IPO创见

那些在互联网上流传甚广的「提高生产力的 N 种方法」这种文章应该被彻底禁止,没错,我就是这么认为的。 这些文章打着「原创」的旗号,其实根本就没有什么新内容,看上去永远是将那些被别人说了千百遍的话又拿出来讲一遍。这些建议无非就是保证睡眠时间,天天早起,多多锻炼,不要在意细节,改掉你的坏习惯等等等等。人们总是爱谈论这些看似能够提高工作效率与生活质量的方法,这到底是为什么呢?因为那些本身效率低下的人常常受到了拖延症的困扰,他们希望能够得到一些帮助自己快速摆脱拖延症的妙方,而光说不练给人提建议总是很容易的,你随便就能总结出个十几条。 想要让自己变得更有效率不是一件坏事,事实上,例如多运动、制定明确目...

Those who have a very wide spread of the Internet, the N method of improving productivity, this article should be completely banned, yes, I think so. These articles under the banner of "original", in fact, there is no new content, it seems that those who have been said a thousand times and then take out to say it again. These suggestions are nothing more than to ensure that sleep, get up early every day, a lot of exercise, do not care about the details, get rid of your bad habits, etc.. People always love to talk about ways that seem to be able to improve work efficiency and quality of life. Why is this? Because those inefficient people often have trouble procrastination, they hope to get some help you quickly get rid of procrastination and magic that do not give people advice is always very easy, you can come up with a dozen. It is not a bad thing to want to become more efficient, in fact, for example, more exercise, and a clear goal...