新关注 > 信息聚合 > 让全世界都学会写“死”字!《只狼》点评精选


For all the world to learn to write "dead" word! "The Wolf" comments on selected

2019-03-22 18:22:13来源: 游戏时光


As the "Wolf" unlock, suffer a lot of good started his shaking, M. After a night of fighting, don't know how your progress? I think maybe there are a lot of people because of work or study reasons, has not been able to immediately start playing the "Wolf". But we can let's look at each netizen comments on "the Wolf" to look at it is a what kind of game. Judge a game if you want to accept not accept welcome, just look at its comments area. Because the comment section of the game there will be such a "poet". "The Wolf" the first simplicity natural Steam page is this poem. The players called peachland took less than 200 words to write down a long poem. Could see that he has experienced the "first kill", "cloud", and "challenge" again after the complex mood. This 2.5 hours of game time must be very suffering just had such experience. In addition to...