新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中通快递发布2018年三季度财报


Zhongtong express release third quarter in 2018

2018-11-15 06:00:00来源: 美通社

业务量领跑 净利润超预期 上海2018年11月15日电 /美通社/ -- 11月15日,中通快递(NYSE: ZTO)发布了2018年三季度财报。 财报摘要显示,中通快递的业务量继续领跑快递行业,调整后净利润超出公司所给指引的上限。第三季度业务量达到20.96亿件,较去年同期15.36亿件增长36.5%,比行业平均业务量增速高出10.8个百分点;中通快递业务量的市场份额从去年同期的15.2%提升到了16.6%。第三季度调整后净利润为10.58亿元,较去年同期的7.31亿元同比增长44.9%;第三季度净利润为10.59亿,较去年同期增长47.7%。 中通快递创始人、董事长兼首席执行官...

Leading business & have spent Net profit more than expected in 2018 in Shanghai 15 nov/pr newswire / - on November 15, zhongtong express (NYSE: ZTO) issued in 2018 in the third quarter financial results. Results showed that the zhongtong express business continue to lead the express industry, adjusted net income more than the company give guidance. In the third quarter volume reached 2.096 billion, 1.536 billion an increase of 36.5% from the same period a year earlier, higher than the industry average growth 10.8%; Zhongtong express business market share from 15.2% to 16.6% over the same period last year. The third quarter of the adjusted net income of 1.058 billion yuan, 731 million yuan year-on-year growth of 44.9% from the same period a year earlier. In the third quarter net profit was $1.059 billion, up 47.7% from a year earlier. Zhongtong express founder, chairman and chief executive officer...