新关注 > 信息聚合 > 亚马逊将向中国等入驻卖家提供贷款 受邀才可申请

亚马逊将向中国等入驻卖家提供贷款 受邀才可申请

Amazon will to China and settled in the seller to provide loans invited to apply for Amazon

2015-06-30 08:24:06来源: TechWeb

亚马逊将向中国等入驻卖家提供贷款 受邀才可申请 【TechWeb报道】6月30日消息,据路透社报道,亚马逊将在年内把面向小型卖家的商业贷款项目扩张到中国等7个国家。该服务只接受受邀请卖家的申请,不向亚马逊平台上的所有卖家开放。 据了解,亚马逊该商业贷款项目名为Amazon Lendi...

will to China and other settled in the seller provides loans invited to apply for [techweb reported June 30 news, Reuters reported, Amazon will during the year to oriented small sellers of business loan expansion projects to China and other seven countries. The service only accept the application of the invitation to the seller, not all sellers on the Amazon platform to open. It is understood that Amazon's commercial loan program named Lendi Amazon...