新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盛大携手腾讯5月13日召开《热血传奇手机版》发布会


Grand to join Tencent May 13 held "the legend of Mir mobile phone version of" conference

2015-05-11 16:54:24来源: 4399

各位玩家是否记得腾讯互娱2015发布会上,曝光了一款代号1.76的手游,其实1.76是热血传奇的最受欢迎的传奇版本。而今日,在盛大热血传奇手机版微信公众号以及腾讯游戏公众号上,曝光出来一条消息,将于5月13日在北京召开发布会,带给玩家全新的期待——热血传奇手机版。 《热血传奇手机版》是...

all players remember mutual Tencent Entertainment 2015 conference, the exposure of a code of 1.76 tour, in fact, 1.76 is Mir's most popular legendary version. Today, in a grand legend of Mir mobile version of micro channel the public, as well as the number of game Tencent public, exposed a message, on May 13, held a press conference in Beijing, give players a new look forward to, legend of Mir mobile version. "Legend" is a version of mobile phone...

标签: 腾讯 热血传奇