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《桃花源记》绝世天劫 成就更强战力

"Peach Blossom Spring" Armageddon achievement stronger force

2015-05-09 14:30:55来源: 新浪

桃花源记 CGWR 得分 CGWR:579 位 CGWR介绍 《桃花源记》全民逆天飞升,完成渡劫任务,成就更强战力!在游戏中,一旦完成元神修炼,就会永久提升玩家和召唤兽的战斗属性和其他能力,随着等级的不断提高,玩家可修炼的元神等级也将越高,所提升的属性能力也会越强。 《桃花源记...

peach "Peach Blossom Spring" national guards the soaring, complete the crossing robbery task, achievement of a stronger force! In the game, once completed it will permanently enhance practicing soul, game player and summon combat attributes and other capabilities, with the continuous improvement of the level of cultivation, game player of the soul level will be higher, which will enhance the ability to attribute more strong. "Spring in mind...