新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京东、腾讯、iTutorGroup为何瞄准日本市场?


Jingdong, tencent, why iTutorGroup aimed at the Japanese market?

2018-06-27 13:13:00来源: 品途网

2009年,日本GDP总值为5.5万亿美元。而在2017年,日本的GDP只有4.9万亿美元。在外界看来,日本经济发展缓慢已经是不争的事实,不再是一块诱人的“蛋糕”。尽管如此,一些顶尖的中国互联网企业仍然选择“逆势”进入日本市场。 日前,著名科技博客、在线新闻平台Business Insider将目光聚焦到京东、腾讯和iTutorGroup三家中国互联网企业,分别从电商、社交和在线教育的维度,探寻中国企业开拓日本市场的缘由。 京东: 日本的优质产品可提升服务体验 “我们必须首先在日本赢得胜利,才能赢得全球市场。如果你想成功,就不能忽视日本。”京东集团公关部负责人...

In 2009, the Japanese GDP of $5.5 trillion. In 2017, Japan's GDP is only $4.9 trillion. In the outside world view, slow development of Japan's economy has been the fact that does not dispute, is no longer a piece of "cake". Nonetheless, some leading Chinese Internet companies still choose "buck" into the Japanese market. A few days ago, the famous tech blogs, online news platform Business Insider focused attention on the jingdong, tencent and iTutorGroup three Chinese Internet companies, respectively from the dimension of electric Business, social, and online education, explore the reason of Chinese enterprises to develop the Japanese market. & have spent Jingdong: & have spent Japan's high quality products can improve service experience "we must first win in Japan, to win the global market. If you want to succeed, you can't ignore Japan." Jingdong, head of the group pr...

标签: 腾讯 京东