新关注 > 信息聚合 > 二手车平台争相吸资,汽车电商们要打一场新零售战争


Used car platform to absorb information, electric car dealers want to make a new retail war

2018-03-19 13:26:00来源: 品途网

作为消费品中的“奢侈品”,汽车与消费升级的联系是日趋紧密的。根据中国汽车流通协会发布的数据显示,2017年1月-10月,全国二手车累计销售1002.4万辆,比2016年同期增长20.52%,与2016年全年持平,创历史新高,从未来来看,消费升级的趋势下,车子几乎已经成为家庭的标配。 新车与二车手车辆使用人群的年龄正从60、70后交接给80、90后。而买车是有房一族几乎都会考虑的大宗生活必需消费品,而存量市场也非常大,买方与卖方两方的需求都非常强劲,它未来的增长潜力依然非常大。中国汽车市场指数研究所预计,到2020年,中国二手车市场将达到1万亿的规模,交易数量有望达到4000万辆。 汽车的消...

As the "luxury" of consumer goods, automotive and consumer upgrade is increasingly close contact. According to the China association of automobile circulation, according to data released in January 2017 to October, the national second-hand car accumulative total sales of 10.024 million units, up 20.52% over the same period in 2016, and 2016 was flat, hit a record high, from the point of the future, under the trend of consumption upgrade, the car has almost become the standard of the family. New car with the driver vehicle use age 2 are from 60, 70 to 80, 90 after. While buying a car is a large amount of life have a room are almost always consider necessary consumer goods, while the stock market is very big also, the demand for the buyer and the seller both sides are very strong, its future growth potential is still very large. Institute of the Chinese car market index is expected that by 2020, the scale of the second-hand car market in China will reach 1 trillion, the number of deals is expected to reach 40 million units. Car away...

标签: 电商