新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《这!就是街舞》喊话《热血街舞团》,谁家街舞更燃?


"This! It's street dance" propaganda "blood street dance company, more burning young street dance?

2018-03-19 14:56:00来源: 品途网


"No quarrel not variety", this sentence is more in line with the current market situation. March 17 blood street dance company, less than an hour, before the "! This is the street dance "when back to the" good neighbor "China direct @ the micro blood street dance company officer, comments about" waiting so long, we can meet at 8 o 'clock. Directly to the both sides of the covert quarrel on the mesa, complete the street dance battle lit the fire. Elements of the "dance" and "hip-hop", against the main force of contemporary consumer entertainment - $90, 00 after group, but the mouth of fat, but not anyone can eat sweet, eat well. So far, the surface appears is worthy, and not in fact. Beijing TV's "dance force awakening started first, although has obtained the opportunities, but did not succeed, viewing and heat are not encouraging. Youku's it! It's street dance is the former though the topic quantity and heat, but have been unable to boom. By the end of the...