新关注 > 信息聚合 > 部落冲突全球锦标赛开启 实力夺百万美元大奖

部落冲突全球锦标赛开启 实力夺百万美元大奖

Tribal conflict world championships open strength seize the million dollar prize

2019-03-06 00:00:00来源: 人民网

Supercell携手ESL正式开启首届部落冲突全球锦标赛。作为《部落冲突》2019年启动的全新赛事,全球锦标赛将采用全新5V5赛制,通过参与游戏内的部落对战联赛海选或ESL PLAY的线上海选都有机会晋级线下预选赛,展开全球总冠军的争夺。目前报名通道已开启!运筹帷幄,厉兵秣马,只要你的部落有实力,就可以来冲刺百万美元大奖,夺取全球最强部落的桂冠。 游戏内海选 部落对战联赛争名额 参加游戏内海选,就是通过参与每月一次的部落对战联赛来争夺线下预选赛资格。你的部落需要在3月至8月的部落对战联赛赛季期间(每月1日至11日)晋级冠军杯联赛I并与其他部落争夺排行榜名次。每个月,冠军杯联赛I排名...

Supercell start first tribal conflict in ESL world championships. As "tribal conflict" launched in 2019, a new event, the world championship will adopt new 5 v5 format, by participating in the game of audition or ESL tribes against the league PLAY online audition will have the opportunity to qualify offline qualifier, world championship competition. At present, the application channel has opened! Strategizing, making, as long as your tribe has strength, can sprint million dollar prize, claim the strongest tribe. In-game audition tribes against the league places To participate in the game competition, is by participating in a monthly tribe to qualifying for offline qualifier against the league. You need in March through August tribes against the league during the season (1 to 11) monthly promotion champions league and I with other tribes for ranking. Every month, the champions league I rank...