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《暗黑破坏神3》麻将正式发售 给暴雪爸爸上税

"Diablo 3" mahjong launch tax on blizzard father

2016-09-21 08:21:00来源: 新浪

许多年前,迪亚波罗、墨菲斯托、巴尔等恶魔领主入侵了庇护之地,与此同时涌现出一批无畏而强大的勇士——“奈非天”,他们从恶魔手中拯救了世界!如今,黑灵魂石再次苏醒,恶魔大军再次入侵庇护之地,“奈非天”们必将重拾武器拯救世界。 而追忆暗黑二十年匠心之作,暴雪中国现在开始发售《暗黑破坏神3》...

Many years ago, diablo, mephisto and baal invaded the safe place, such as the demon lords meanwhile emerged a group of heroic and powerful warriors - "nai day", they have to save the world from the demons! Now, the black soul shard woke up again, the demon army invaded again place of refuge, "endure a day" is bound to pick up weapons to save the world. And originality, reminiscing about diablo twenty years blizzard China now started selling "diablo 3"...

标签: 暴雪