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《最终幻想15 未来黎明》将推出小说,补完DLC故事

"Final Fantasy 15 Dawn of the Future" will launch a novel to complete the DLC story

2019-02-17 10:33:34来源: 游戏时光

《最终幻想15》官推正式宣布,将推出小说《最终幻想15 未来黎明》,旨在补完艾汀、阿拉尼娅、露娜和诺克提斯四人的故事。该书预计于 4 月 25 日发售,售价 1620 日元(含税),目前正在 e-STORE 上接受预定。是向神抗争,还是遵循命运?小说将展示《最终幻想15》隐藏的另一个结局。本书的作者由映島巡担任,他曾执笔《尼尔机械纪元:Short Story Long》和《最终幻想 13-2 Fragments Before》。而作品的原案,则来自于《最终幻想15》开发组。在去年 11 月的官方直面会上,Square Enix 公布了《最终幻想15》“未来黎明”DLC 的巨大变动。阿拉尼娅、露...

"Final Fantasy 15" officially announced that it will launch the novel "Final Fantasy 15 Dawn in the Future", aiming to complete the story of Edin, Alania, Luna and Noktis. The book, which is expected to be available on April 25 for 1620 yen (including tax), is currently being booked on e-STORE. Is it fighting God or following fate? The novel will show another hidden ending of Final Fantasy 15. The author of this book is Yingdao Tour, who wrote Short Story Long and Final Fantasy 13-2 Fragments Before. The original work is from the development group of Final Fantasy 15. At an official face-to-face meeting last November, Square Enix announced the dramatic changes in the "Dawn of the Future" DLC of Final Fantasy 15. Alania, Lu...

标签: 最终幻想