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世嘉FES 2019会带来《女神异闻录5》等作品最新情报

Sega FES 2019 will bring the goddess YiWen recorded five works such as the latest information

2019-03-09 09:01:56来源: 游戏时光

近日,世嘉公布了将于3月30日~31日在东京秋叶原举办的SEGA FES 2019的主要场馆布置。届时除了会带来《女神异闻录5》、如龙工作室的最新情报的主舞台外,世嘉还设立了《樱花大战》博览会、“大Atlus展”等展区。主舞台从图中我们可以看到,主舞台活动主要涉及《女神异闻录5》、如龙工作室、《兽娘动物园3》(手游)、《噗呦噗呦 eSports》、《边境保卫战》(注:世嘉在PS4上运营的免费第三人称射击网游)。同时,世嘉还表示届时还会有特别嘉宾到场及令人吃惊的发表。《樱花大战》博览会《樱花大战》博览会主要会有系列诸多艺术设定原画及珍贵资料的展出。世嘉在介绍这个展区时还特地提了一句《樱花大战》是...

Recently, SEGA announced on March 30 ~ 31 held in Tokyo akihabara SEGA FES 2019 main venue layout. At the appointed time in addition to bring the goddess YiWen recorded 5, such as dragon studio the latest intelligence outside the main stage, sega has also set up cherry blossom wars expo, such as "big Atlus exhibition" exhibition. Main stage we can see from the table, the main stage activities mainly relates to the goddess YiWen recorded 5, such as dragon studios, beast niang zoo 3 (mobile game), "poof yo poof yo eSports", "border defense" (note: sega operations on PS4 third-person shooting games for free). Sega also said will also have a special guest to be present and surprising. Cherry blossom wars cherry blossom wars fair mainly will be a series of valuable art concept set and data display. Sega in introducing this exhibition also specially mentioned the cherry blossom wars...