新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《战争雷霆》试玩评测:高手菜鸟各得其乐


"War thunder" demo evaluation: rookie master what they have

2014-12-26 22:22:48来源: 逗游网

腾讯代理运营的载具射击类战争网游《战争雷霆》19日正式开启王牌测试。这款让国内众多玩家期盼已久的海外引进大作,在国服的第二次测试当中究竟表现如何,今天的评测就将来揭晓答案。 评测对象:《战争雷霆》 游戏类型:载具射击 游戏背景:二战 开发商:俄罗斯Gaijin Enter...

Tencent agent operation. This makes the domestic many game player long-awaited introduction of overseas work, in the country second times tests whether how today's evaluation of the future, reveal the answer. Evaluation object: "thunder" war game types: carrier shooting game background: World War II: Russian Gaijin Enter developers...