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灭神龙炎击 《魔龙之戒》龙族战士觉醒传奇必杀技

Off Dragon Yan hit "Ring of Dragons" awakening the legendary Dragon Warrior nirvana

2015-12-01 12:02:33来源: 新浪

传奇战士终极大招“龙炎击”,今日即可在4399《魔龙之戒》习得,揭开魔法传奇最强必杀,破解格斗巅峰终极奥义!习得必杀的龙族终于可以和强大的史矛革刚正面,中土传奇的战火也由此被正式引爆!无止境热血PK杀戮,传奇技能尽情释放的热血战斗,即现今日《魔龙之戒》! 4399《魔龙之戒》官方网站...

Legendary warrior ultimate big move "Long Yan hit" in 4399 to today, "Tarrasque ring" acquisition, opened the legendary magic of the strongest kill, fighting to break the ultimate pinnacle esoteric! Acquisition can finally slay the dragon Smaug and powerful just positive, Turkey legendary war has thus been officially detonated! Blood PK endless killing, the legendary fighting skills, enjoy the release of blood, that is now, today, "Ring of Dragons"! 4399 "Ring of Tiamat," the official website ...