新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩家回忆录 FC游戏毁童年 玩街霸嘲讽被反杀

玩家回忆录 FC游戏毁童年 玩街霸嘲讽被反杀

Memoirs of a game player FC game destroyed childhood playing street fighter irony is anti kill game

2015-03-17 11:19:31来源: 178游戏网


recently on the Internet to see a post, there are a lot of FC game screenshots, found some map is when played in a game picture. Because of the deep impression of the game, although for many years did not play, but in retrospect still have Beckoning feeling, so I carefully put that see again, found a significant discovery, that is decades I call the wrong that game name. Below small make up take you go...

标签: 游戏 玩家