新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苏宁手机推出折叠屏手机“折坏险”:399元保两年


Suning mobile phones launch folding screen "folding bad risks" : 399 yuan for two years

2019-02-26 15:13:14来源: IT之家

IT之家2月26日消息 “苏宁手机”官微今天宣布,推出两年期399元“折坏险”,在苏宁购折叠屏手机之日起两年内,在正常使用情况下,因折叠导致性能故障可由苏宁免费维修,屏幕花了折裂开裂了都算(人为外力导致的意外损坏除外),修不好可换新。今年不仅是5G的元年,很多业内人士也称是折叠屏手机的元年。在MWC2019大会上,就有华为、三星、TCL纷纷展示了可折叠手机,这些手机均非常昂贵,而且网友们最大的顾虑在于折叠屏以及相关的铰链等部件的稳定性、耐用性。对于该质疑,华为消费业务手机产品线总裁何刚回应称:“具体次数我现在还不能说,因为没有正式上市,我们还要做更多实验,但是不管怎么说我们一定要达到...

IT's home on February 26, news & have spent "Su ning phone" officer announced today, launched two years 399 yuan "bad risk", in suning bought within two years from the date of the folding screen mobile phones and in normal use, performance failures caused by folding the suning free maintenance, screen spent fracture crack is (except for accidental damage caused by external forces), repair bad can be replaced. This year is not only the first year of 5 g, many in the industry is also known as folding screen mobile phone first. In MWC2019 conference, huawei, samsung, TCL have presented the foldable mobile phones, these phones are very expensive, and netizens's biggest concern is that hinge of the folding screen and related components, such as stability, durability. For this question, huawei's consumer business phone line, he responded: "the specific number of times I can't say that now, because there is no formal market, we need to do more experiments, but anyway we must reach the...