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Pinterest式探索 v.s. Google式搜索

Pinterest type v.s. Google searching exploration

2015-01-16 10:59:42来源: 大河网

Pinterest近年来在搜索上持续发力,最初的“图片收藏墙”也变得越来越像一个可视化的搜索工具 。随着越来越多的用户选择在Pinterest上搜索自己喜欢的衣服、菜谱、还有旅行目的地等等,Pinterest积累的用户搜索数据越来越多,这些数据进一步促进了Pinterest更好的优化自己...

Pinterest in recent years, continuing in the search, pictures of the original "wall" has become more and more like a visual search tool. As more and more users choose to search the clothes you like, in the Pinterest menu, and travel destination and so on, the accumulation of Pinterest users search more and more data, these data further promote the optimization of Pinterest better myself...