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10亿美元部署低轨道卫星 传谷歌拟投资SpaceX

The $1000000000 low orbit satellite deployment Google plans to invest SpaceX

2015-01-20 07:04:44来源: 搜狐

搜狐IT消息 1月20日消息,据CNET网站报道,Information网站援引知情人士消息称,谷歌正计划投资火箭制造商Space X,希望通过卫星来向用户提供互联网接入服务。目前,这笔投资交易在谈判当中,还未最终确立,不过这也使得Space X估值达到100亿美元以上。 谷歌与...

Sohu Sohu IT news January 20th news, according to the CNET website, Information website quoted informed sources said, Google is planning to invest rocket maker Space X, hope to provide users with internet access via satellite. At present, the investment transactions in the negotiations, has not been established eventually, but it also makes Space X valued at more than $10000000000. Google and...

标签: 谷歌