新关注 > 信息聚合 > 速腾聚创获超3亿元战略融资 菜鸟、北汽参投

速腾聚创获超3亿元战略融资 菜鸟、北汽参投

Soar team gathered first strategic financing rookie, baic and more than 300 million yuan

2018-10-10 22:52:51来源: DoNews

DoNews10月10日消息(记者 翟继茹)10日晚,自动驾驶激光雷达感知解决方案提供商RoboSense(速腾聚创)宣布完成新一轮超过3亿元的战略融资,投资方包括菜鸟网络、尚颀资本、北汽集团等。至此,速腾聚创的该融资也成为国内激光雷达企业中获得单笔融资金额最大的一次。速腾聚创表示,此轮融资将用于加大在芯片、固态激光雷达、AI感知算法等技术的投入,加速成熟产品的商用,拓展产业布局。2017年4月份,速腾聚创在国内率先量产车载16线激光雷达,9月份量产32线激光雷达,并正式发布基于激光雷达的自动驾驶环境感知AI算法,提供软硬结合激光雷达环境感知解决方案;10月份,其公布了MEMS固态激光雷达并于...

DoNews10 10 news (reporter ZhaiJiRu) on the evening of 10, automated driving laser radar sensing solution provider RoboSense (soar team together create) announced accomplishing the strategy of a new round of more than $300 million financing, investors including novice network, ShangQi capital, Beijing auto group, etc. At this point, soar team gathered the financing has become a domestic laser radar and the enterprise to obtain one of the largest single financing amount. Soar team together and said, this round of funding will be used to increase the perception algorithm in chip, solid-state laser radar, AI technology, such as investment, accelerate the mature commercial products, expand the industrial layout. In April 2017, soar team gathered in the domestic first production car line laser radar, 16 September weight 32 production line laser radar, and officially released automated driving environment perception AI algorithm based on laser radar, laser radar environment perception solution; provide soft hard couple, In October, the MEMS solid state laser radar and released to...