新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从未被超越的传奇,可汗学院携全新中文教学视频正式入驻优酷教育频道


Has never been surpassed legend, khan academy with a completely new Chinese teaching video formally in youku education channel

2017-09-01 14:04:06来源: DoNews

引:提到8月网友会想到什么?炎炎夏日和漫长的暑假!家长们心中无不开始画问号:“孩子应该怎样才能轻松、高效地在这个暑假成长?”优酷来支招啦!听说过“可汗学院”吗?没错!就是那个被比尔盖茨称做“最为之兴奋的项目”、被俞敏洪认可“我每天都会让我的孩子在可汗学院上学习!”的课程!——它入驻了优酷!  据悉,美国可汗学院(Khan Academy)与优酷教育正式达成战略合作,8月份即将入驻优酷教育频道,并逐步上传针对中国K12人教版教材编排的全新中文数学视频,优酷将成为可汗学院迄今为止在中国地区唯一积极协作的视频播放平台,其最大受益者莫过于国内莘莘学子。 那么可汗学院究竟有何种魅力?用一句话来概括:“世...

Lead: mentioned August they will think of? Sorching summer, and the long summer vacation! All the parents heart began to draw a question mark, "children should be how to easily and efficiently grow up in this summer vacation?" Youku to action! Heard of "khan academy"? That's right! Is that Bill Gates, was called "the most exciting projects", accepted by Mr Yu "every day I let my child study on khan academy!" Of course! Youku - it in! It is understood that the Khan Academy (Khan Academy) and youku education reached a strategic cooperation, formally August will come youku education channels, and gradually upload against China K12 o 'clock video teaching material arrangement of new Chinese mathematics, youku will become the Khan Academy in China so far the only active collaboration platform for the video playback, the biggest beneficiaries than domestic students. So what charm of how? Summed up in one word: "...

标签: 视频