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Classic match analysis: stealing chickens and incredible ALL - IN the catch

2017-12-13 18:18:03来源: 任玩堂


Stealing chickens, also called "best (just), in the midst of Texas poker, is in the absence of good CARDS, through his behavior in the match, and even facial expression and language to create the illusion of holding good CARDS, so that is not determined, or opponent discard card don't have enough confidence in the opponent. A lot of people who play poker, Texas in the early drivers must often listen to the old advice: novice don't stealing chickens. In the default statement Texas everyday, also have a "not stealing chickens, will be caught stealing chickens", is also the same way. Stealing chickens behavior on the professional player, however, can say is a essential skill - for high-end match, stealing chickens and a few or even no stealing chickens player, is often the most easy to exit. In the professional field, such as WSOP stealing chickens phenomenon is common. And, of course, in general, the more the elite, they stole a chicken or stealing chickens against catch competitors also tend to the stronger. As for whether successful steal to finally, or...