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吉祥如意 步步高升 JJ比赛陪您过大年

Good lucky for you Stripes JJ game with your holidays

2017-01-18 00:00:00来源: 人民网

今年的春节来得比往年要早一些,元旦刚过不久,年味就越发浓厚起来。 对咱们中国老百姓来说,春节才是一年里最重要的日子。只有过了春节,新的一年才算是真正开始,一切都生机勃勃,充满了希望。 每逢春节,游子们从四面八方赶回家中,陪伴父母,陪伴孩子。正是有了“陪伴”,冬天才显得格外温暖。温暖的春节当然也少不了JJ比赛(微博)的陪伴,2017年,JJ比赛这样陪您过大年—— 辞旧岁、过大年、闹元宵、龙抬头,四波活动一波接一波,从腊月十九一直嗨到二月初二(2017年1月16日—2月27日),整整43天! 活动期间,玩家只要打开JJ比赛客户端参与比赛,便有机会免费赢取iPhone 7手机、55...

This year's Spring Festival came earlier than usual to some, a short while after New Year's day, the festival atmosphere is more strong. For we Chinese people, the Spring Festival is the most important day for a year. Only after the Spring Festival, New Year is the real beginning, everything is full of vitality, full of hope. Every Chinese New Year, a wanderer, hurry home from all directions, with parents, with children. It is the "company", to appear warm all winter. The warmth of the Spring Festival, of course, being accompanied by JJ game (weibo), in 2017, JJ game that accompany your holidays - bowed out, holidays, make yuanxiao, dragon, four waves, wave activity from 19 hi until February 2 (on January 16, 2017 - February 27), 43 days! Players during the activity, as long as open the JJ client to participate in the game, then have a chance to win a free iPhone 7 phones, 55...