新关注 > 信息聚合 > 被Twitter 以 3000 万美金收购的印度公司 ZipDial

被Twitter 以 3000 万美金收购的印度公司 ZipDial

Acquired by Twitter for $30000000 ZipDial

2015-01-22 11:17:42来源: Tech2IPO

星期一,Twitter 宣布它正在收购印度公司 ZipDial,具体的成交金额并未告知给外界,但是根据彭博社的爆料,估计收购价是 3000 万美金。究竟这家以 3000 万美金被收购的公司有什么特别之处?现在每个人都很好奇。ZipDial 称自己是一家提供「网络营销和互动」服务的公司。这...

India on Monday, Twitter announced it is buying India company ZipDial, clinch a deal amount of specific did not inform to the outside world, but according to Bloomberg News leaks, estimated purchase price is $30000000. Whether this was acquired in 3000 of Wan Meijin's company have what special place? Now everyone is very curious. ZipDial says he is a "network marketing and interactive" service company. This...