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《狂战传说》最新预告曝光 大量游戏内容公布

"Crazy battle legend" latest forecast exposure released a large number of game content

2016-06-23 18:24:15来源: 新浪

万代南梦宫发布了《狂战传说》的最新预告,在预告视频中详细介绍了各具特色的人物和游戏玩法,期待此作的玩家绝对不容错过。 在视频中我们可以看到,本作角色在战场上以自由线性为移动方式,可以发动术技与敌人战斗。玩家可以使用势大力沉的拳法,也能采用式神法术攻击敌人,灵活地搭配术技组合,就能实现...

Ten thousand generations south dream palace released the latest "crazy battle legend" trailer, the trailer was introduced in detail the distinctive characters in the video and game play, looking forward to this as a player. We can see in the video, this role on the battlefield, the free linear for mobile can launch advanced combat with the enemy. Low players can use the fist, also can use hellspawn spells against the enemy, the flexibility to advanced technology combination collocation, can achieve...

标签: 游戏