新关注 > 信息聚合 > 太榆路主线工程预计8月31日完工 探访“最后1公里”

太榆路主线工程预计8月31日完工 探访“最后1公里”

Too Elm Road to the main line of work is expected to August 31, completed visit "last kilometre" Shanxi

2015-08-23 10:50:16来源: 新浪山西

A 一条路 双向八车道、时速60公里、从太原南站至榆次界仅需要7分钟……8月21日,记者从太原市城乡管理委员会获悉,太榆路工程已经进入收尾阶段,预计8月31日竣工。这意味着,9月起,太原可直达榆...

a way to two-way eight lane, 60 kilometers per hour, from the Taiyuan South Railway Station to Yuci circles only need 7 minutes... On August 21, the reporter from the Taiyuan city urban and rural management committee was informed that too Elm Road project has entered the stage of finishing, is expected to completed on August 31. This means that, since September, Taiyuan to elm...