新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王诗龄赞爸爸王岳伦帅气 乖巧为妈妈李湘庆生(图)

王诗龄赞爸爸王岳伦帅气 乖巧为妈妈李湘庆生(图)

Wang Shiling praise father Wang Yuelun handsome and clever as her mother Li Xiangqingsheng (map)

2015-02-10 21:43:23来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京2月10日电(记者 张曦)李湘女儿王诗龄(Angela)今天在北京为爸爸王岳伦执导的新片宣传,身穿粉色长裙的她十分可爱,不仅夸爸爸“长得可爱又帅”,还爆料今天是妈妈李湘生日,贴心送上祝福。...

in new network Beijing on 10 February, (reporter Zhang Xi) the daughter of Li Xiang Wang Shiling (Angela) in Beijing today for father Wang Yuelun directed the film publicity, wearing a pink dress her ten cute, not only boast father "cute and handsome.", also broke the news today is mother Li Xiang birthday, sweet blessing. ...