新关注 > 信息聚合 > 机器人“叫板”人类当钢琴家


Robot "destabilize" human when the pianist

2015-06-15 04:47:43来源: 千龙

原标题:机器人“叫板”人类当钢琴家 实习生 韩轩 机器人与人类钢琴师斗琴?你没看错,这并不是科幻小说中的情节。昨晚,北京音乐厅里摆开了一场别开生面的“擂台”,特奥特劳尼克,一个拥有53根手指...

original title the robot "destabilize" human when pianist intern Xuan Han robot and mankind pianist piano battle? You're not wrong, this is not science fiction. Last night, the Beijing music hall into a "ring", Te Ott Law Nick open up a fresh outlook, one with 53 fingers...