新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国石化20日向海南全面供应国五汽柴油


China Petrochemical on the 20th to Hainan comprehensive supply country five gasoline and diesel

2015-10-19 18:06:41来源: 中国新闻网

中新网10月19日电 10月20日零时起,中国石化在海南全省287座加油站将全面供应国五标准车用汽、柴油,较国家要求提前72天。 油品升级对保护海南碧海蓝天、建设绿色国际旅游岛具有重要意义。升级...

10 months at 0:00 on 19 October 20, China Petrochemical in Hainan Province 287 gas stations will fully supply the five standard car with gasoline, diesel, compared with the national requirements 72 days in advance. The upgrade of oil is of great significance to the protection of the green international tourist island of Hainan, the construction of the blue sky. Upgrade...