新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国芯片争雄:展讯强营销,海思强技术


Chinese chip Spreadtrum Hegemony: strong marketing, sea strong technical

2015-04-06 21:44:49来源: 站长之家

近日展讯发布了4G芯片SC9430A,产品路线图描绘了明年将推出16nm FinFET工艺的LTE产品。据估计今年下半年台积电的16nm FinFET工艺将量产,而华为海思也将推出采用该工艺的LTE...

recently released the 4G SC9430A chip Spreadtrum, product roadmap depicted the 16nm FinFET process next year will launch LTE products. 16nm FinFET process according to the estimation of the second half of this year, TSMC's production, and Huawei Hass will also introduce the technique of LTE...