新关注 > 信息聚合 > PS4独占游戏《梦境》截图:不死族木乃伊登场


PS4 monopoly game "dreams" screenshots: undead mummy

2016-02-21 10:39:05来源: 环球网

Media Molecule的工作人员之前分享了一个毛茸茸的开心角色,这名角色正是即将登陆PS4的独占游戏《梦境》。今天他们发布了一张全新截图,突出了不死族的主题,下面一起看看图片。 这名“僵尸木乃伊”被发送在推特上,由动画制作人Mike Pang完成,Mike Pang之前参与制作...

Media Molecule staff before sharing a fluffy happy role, the role is "is the exclusive game PS4" dream ". Today they released a brand new screenshot, highlights the theme of the undead, together to look at the pictures below. The "zombie" mummy to be sent on twitter, the animation producer Mike Pang, Mike Pang before work...

标签: 游戏 PS4 PS