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商家借双十一造势 网购狂欢节 捂紧钱包理智参战

Businesses use the double eleven campaign online shopping Carnival Wujin purse sense war

2014-11-07 11:22:56来源: 大河网

“转出的违约金比拿的红包还多” 核心提示|能理财、能消费、能抽奖……双十一来临之前,天猫新推出了一款身兼多种功能的“天猫宝”产品,从11月1日至11月10日,用户只要在整点时段往天猫宝内单笔充值满300元,就有机会参与抽取5元到1111元面额天猫消费红包。然而近日有部分消费者向记者反...

"roll out of breach of contract damages than get red envelopes is much" core tip | can conduct financial transactions, to consumption, can draw...... Before coming Tmall double eleven, launched a new "as the multi function Tmall Bao", from November 1st to November 10th, as long as the user in the whole point of time to Tmall treasure within the single pen recharge over 300 yuan, have the opportunity to participate in the sample of 5 yuan to 1111 yuan denomination Tmall consumption of red envelopes. However, recently some consumers to the reporter...