新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《阿尔比恩OL》将在今年夏季开启二次封测


"OL" will open the two Albion beta in the summer

2016-05-05 20:10:35来源: 多玩游戏

多玩网5月5日消息,由Sandbox Interactive研发的《阿尔比恩OL》,官方宣布将在今年夏季开启二次封测,同时公布了一个新的开发者讨论视频,视频内还展示了部分游戏里的画面。 在视频中...

Warcry news on May 5, by the sandbox interactive development of the Albion ol ", it was officially announced to open a secondary packaging and testing in the summer, also announced a new developer discussed the video, video also show the part of the game screen. In the video...