新关注 > 信息聚合 > 齐纳内劝博格巴耐心等皇马 佛爷拒8500万欧卖J罗

齐纳内劝博格巴耐心等皇马 佛爷拒8500万欧卖J罗

Within the zener advised pogba patient for real Madrid Comment from euro 85 million sell J

2016-07-23 12:30:52来源: 华体网

皇马主帅齐达内 讯 据外媒《机密报》报道透露,皇马主帅齐纳内最近电联博格巴劝其不要急于加盟曼联,耐心等待皇马。但是有消息称齐纳内也无法保证皇马能引进博格巴。另称J罗不会离开皇马。 皇马主帅齐纳内...

Real Madrid coach zinedine zidane According to foreign media, according to the classified reported within the real coach zener recently itu pogba advised its don't rush to join Manchester united, patience to wait for real Madrid. But there is no guarantee that real Madrid news zener pogba will be introduced. The other said J won't leave real Madrid. Real Madrid coach zener inside...