新关注 > 信息聚合 > 炉石传说本周乱斗黑暗料理攻略 黑暗料理卡组推荐

炉石传说本周乱斗黑暗料理攻略 黑暗料理卡组推荐

BFS legend scuffle dark cooking strategy this week Dark arrange card group is recommended

2016-08-12 09:15:20来源: TechWeb

炉石传说本周乱斗黑暗料理攻略 黑暗料理卡组推荐。本周炉石传说乱斗主题是“黑暗料理”,无需自组卡牌,双方玩家挑选职业后便可直接进入游戏,本周的规则很简单也很无聊,系统为你准备的卡组,就是我们构筑卡组时...

BFS legend scuffle dark cooking strategy this week Dark arrange card group is recommended. BFS legend scuffle theme this week is "dark", without the group of the CARDS, directly into the game after both players choose professional, this week, the rules are simple and boring, system card for you, is that we build card group...

标签: 炉石传说