新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吉安市再添七个“省级生态乡镇”


Ji'an city ecological environment adds seven "provincial eco towns"

2015-08-26 17:13:27来源: 中新网江西分社

良好的生态环境,已成为吉安一张“金名片”。继去年全市有8个乡镇获“省级生态乡镇”称号后,省环境保护厅近日又公布新一批省级生态乡镇和省级生态村名单,全市新增7个“省级生态乡镇”。 吉安,自古以来便拥...

good, Ji'an has become a "golden name card". Last year the city has 8 villages and towns "provincial eco towns" after the title, the provincial Environmental Protection Bureau recently announced a new batch of provincial eco towns and provincial eco village list, the city's new 7 provincial eco towns "". Ji'an, since ancient times, they have embraced...