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Nantong new library opened

2015-08-02 14:03:33来源: 新华报业网

中国江苏网讯 8月1日,作为南通市文化设施的地标建筑之一,位于新城区的南通图书馆新馆投入试运行,新馆的自助借书、自助还书,无线网络全覆盖等功能吸引了读者前来一试,成为喜爱阅读的市民避暑休闲、品味书香...

China Jiangsu Wangxun 8 January, as one of the landmark of cultural facilities in Nantong City, located in the New District of Nantong library into trial operation, New Museum of self-help books, self-help books, full coverage of wireless networks and other functions attracted readers to come to a try, become the favourite reading public leisure summer, scholarly tastes...