新关注 > 信息聚合 > 德胜门公交场站改造后正式通车 二环缓堵

德胜门公交场站改造后正式通车 二环缓堵

Deshengmen bus station after the transformation of the official opening of the second ring slow block

2015-08-21 04:22:01来源: 千龙

原标题:德胜门公交场站通车 二环缓堵 住在西北二三环的市民对于德胜门的“堵”并不陌生。8月20日,经过16个月的施工建设,疏堵工程重点项目——德胜门公交场站改造工程建成通车(见示意图)。此次新建...

original title: Deshengmen bus station opened near to relieve traffic congestion in the northwestern second and third residents in Deshengmen "block" is not strange. On August 20, after 16 months of construction, dredging engineering project -- Deshengmen bus station renovation project completed and opened to see sketch map). The new...