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静待王者诞生 “塔坦杯”战队选手全员抵达

Waiting for the king was born "tower temple cup" team players full arrived

2016-07-28 11:10:04来源: 17173

《球球大作战》“塔坦杯”精英挑战赛于今日正式打响,就在昨天,所有参赛的十二支战队都已经陆续抵达比赛战场,大赛将至,有些战队选手紧张备战,而有些则抱着放松的心态轻装上阵,而当不同战队擦肩而过时,空气中也弥漫了一股火药味。 此次参加“塔坦杯”的选手来自全国各地,但经过长途旅行到达比赛地点...

The ball ball "against" tower temple cup "elite challenge in earnest today, just yesterday, all the 12 teams are arriving battlefield game, competition will come, some team players nervous preparing for, while others hold relaxed state of mind travel light, when passed a different team, also was a brawl in the air. The join "tower temple cup" players from all over the country, but after the long journey to reach the venue...