新关注 > 信息聚合 > 肖建雄委员:发展电子商务 助推娄底经济转型升级

肖建雄委员:发展电子商务 助推娄底经济转型升级

Xiao Jianxiong members: the electronic commerce development to boost the economic transformation and upgrading of Loudi

2015-01-21 15:02:36来源: 娄底新闻网

电子商务已经历了发展的黄金十年,作为三、四线城市,我市电子商务尽管有一定发展,但尚处初级阶段。 促进电子商务发展要加强组织领导,做好顶层设计。一是建议市及县(市、区)能明确一名领导牵头主抓电子商务,定期研究解决电子商务发展的问题。明确主管部门和相关部门职责及任务,纳入年度考核。二是抓紧...

electronic commerce has experienced the development of gold for ten years, as the three or four line of the city, our city e-commerce although has certain development, but it is still at the primary stage. To promote the development of electronic commerce to strengthen organizational leadership, good top-level design. One is that the city and county (city, district) to clear a leaders in charge of e-commerce, regular study and solve the problem that electronic commerce. The competent departments and the relevant departments clear responsibilities and tasks, included in the annual assessment. The two is to...

标签: 电子商务