新关注 > 信息聚合 > 1006年天空现超新星 位于天蝎座西南方向

1006年天空现超新星 位于天蝎座西南方向

1006 the sky is located in the southwest of the supernova Scorpio

2014-12-29 18:26:14来源: 科技讯

【科技讯】12月29日消息,据媒体报道,在公元1006年,当时的人们发现天空中出现一个神秘亮点,天文学家将其命名为SN 1006,也被称为“客星”。超新星SN 1006爆发确切的日期为1006年5月1日左右,位于豺狼座方向(天蝎座西南),全球多处有关于该事件的记录,其中提到该天体的光亮时...

technology hearing on December 29th news, according to media reports, in the 1006 ad, when it was discovered that a mysterious bright spot appeared in the sky, astronomers named SN 1006, also known as the "guest star". The supernova SN 1006 to produce the exact date to around May 1, 1006, is located in the constellation of lupus (Scorpio southwest), global many about the record of events, which referred to the celestial light...