新关注 > 信息聚合 > 特斯拉第三季度净亏损7470万美元 同比扩大93%

特斯拉第三季度净亏损7470万美元 同比扩大93%

Tesla's third quarter net loss of $74700000 year-on-year expansion 93%

2014-11-06 09:56:33来源: TechWeb

特斯拉第三季度净亏损7470万美元 同比扩大93% 【TechWeb报道】11月6日消息,美国电动车巨头特斯拉今日公布2014年第三季度财报。报告显示,特斯拉第三季度营收为8.52亿美元,比去年同期的4.31亿美元增长97%;净亏损为7470万美元,比去年同期的3850万美元扩大93%...

Tesla third quarter net loss of $74700000 compared to the same period 93% [TechWeb] expansion reported November 6th news, USA electric car giant Tesla today announced the 2014 third quarter earnings. The report shows, the third quarter revenue Tesla was $852000000, a growth of 97% over the same period last year of $431000000; a net loss of $74700000, compared with the same period last year's $38500000 to expand 93%...