新关注 > 信息聚合 > 买了储油卡,从此不担心油价上涨?


Bought a storage card, then don't worry about rising oil prices?

2015-03-07 08:19:01来源: 杭州网

网上热卖储油卡,预先买一定数量的油存放在卡里 据称将来油价涨了,预存的油仍是便宜价 买了储油卡,从此不担心油价上涨? 网友认为不那么美好,有卡加油还要先付钱再“报销” 储油卡在京东突遭下架;律师认为有变相融资嫌疑 最近,有网友发现,网上热卖一种新型“储油卡”,有了这种...

online sales storage card, buy a certain amount of oil stored in the Cary allegedly future prices rose, the pre stored oil is still cheap price to buy the storage card, and not worried about rising oil prices? Netizens think not so good, a card must pay to "reimbursement" storage card in the Jingdong suddenly off the shelf; lawyers that have disguised financing suspects recently, the netizen that, online sales of a new "oil storage card", with this...