新关注 > 信息聚合 > PJ-塔克谈伤病:我不会急于复出_NBA新闻


PJ - tucker about injuries: I will not comeback _NBA news

2016-10-10 14:50:01来源: 华体网

体育10月10日讯 已在太阳队连续效力4个赛季的PJ-塔克之前从未进入过季后赛,如今面临自己合同最后一年的他谈起了自己新赛季的希望。 “新赛季也许是我职业生涯目前为止要最上心的一年,”塔克说道,“...

On October 10, sports news has team for four seasons in the sun before PJ - tucker never enter the playoffs, is now facing in their final year of his contract he talked about his hopes of the new season. "The new season may be by far the most attentive to my career," tucker said, "...