新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网曝《奔跑吧兄弟3》邀请李易峰杨幂TFBOYS


Net exposure of the brothers run it 3 "invite Li Yi Feng Yang Mi TFBOYS

2015-09-01 22:07:18来源: 广西新闻网

爆料微博截图 网易娱乐9月1日报道 今日,有网友发微博爆料称,《奔跑吧兄弟》第三季会请来很多大家都想看到的明星,包括:李易峰,杨幂,TFBOYS,郑爽等。这一消息引来热议,有网友表示“上季也是这...

broke the news micro Bo screenshot Netease Entertainment on September 1, reported today, netizen hair microblogging broke the news, said," run! Brothers "in the third quarter will be invited many we all want to see stars, including: Li Yi Feng, Yang Mi, tfboys, Zheng Shuang. This news attracted heated debate, some netizens said, this is the last season...